Nov 8, 2010


Birdwatching in the Roman Forum
Running footloose in the empty Forum is one of the many joys of visiting Rome in the Fall. October is magical. The weather is lovely, requiring a light jacket at most, and there is only a hint of the colder November rains, but it's more than that. You have the luxury of space and peace. With or without kids, perambulating the piazzas and parks of Rome should evoke wonder and awe. Sights like the Palatine Hill, the Forums, and many piazzas are vast, and the architectural wonder they hold is often lost when they are crammed with summer's throngs.
If you're unbound by school calendars, consider visiting Rome in late Sept/early Oct, after the blazing heat of summer has faded, or try April/early May, before the high season ramps up. There is no real off-season for a city as large and popular as Roma, but these choice windows are in "shoulder" seasons. They offer more tranquil touring, a break on prices and crowds, and higher chance of pleasant weather than other off-season periods.
Spend some time alone with ancient Rome, contemplating the lives of those citizens, artists, emperors and kings that left such marvels in their wake.

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